On October 13, 2023, an anonymous Georgian-language Facebook account published a video, which, according to the Georgian language description, depicts a convoy of vehicles from Egypt to Gaza to join the “Jihad.” The video is accompanied by a caption in Arabic that reads: “Open the borders and prepare to support our Palestinian brothers.”
In addition, Russian- (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and Arabic-language (1, 2, 3, 4)) accounts have been actively spreading the video on various social networks. The video was also posted on Chinese social networks.
The disseminated information contains signs of video manipulation and has nothing to do with the Israel-Hamas war.
The video consists of two parts. The part of the video, which depicts the movement of the convoy of vehicles, was posted on the YouTube platform on August 3, 2021. The second part of the video, which shows the movement of cars in the desert, has been available on the TikTok platform since 2022.
The 42-second video, which appears to be a convoy moving from Egypt to Gaza in support of the Palestinians, is a video montage. One part of the video (sections 00:00-00:05 and 00:25-00:42) was posted on YouTube as early as 2021. The description of the video claims that the video depicts the movement of Egyptian Bedouins toward the Libyan border.
An identical video was posted on another account in 2021 with a different caption – “Egyptian Bedouins are the children of Ali”.
As for the second video (section 00:05-00:25), which shows how cars move in the desert, the video has been available on social networks since 2022 and is not related to the current events in Israel and Gaza.
Actually, the video depicts a camel race that takes place every year in the Sinai Peninsula. The race is held between the two largest Bedouin tribes, Tarabin and Mazina, and is considered one of the largest camel races. This is also confirmed by the Arabic caption attached to the video, on which we read: “Innumerable congratulations to Rabbi Al-Muzaina in Wadi Zalka in 2022”.
In addition, despite the low resolution of the video, if we look closely at specific frames, it is possible to distinguish camels running between cars. The fact that the video shows Bedouins participating in the camel race is confirmed by other videos of the same competition.
The Polish fact-checking organization Demagog also verified the video.
After the start of the Israel-Hamas war, a number of false claims, as well as photo and video manipulations, were disseminated on social media. For more information, see the “Myth Detector” articles:
- The Video Attributed to the Israel-Hamas War Actually Depicts a Child Surviving an Earthquake in Syria
- The Viral Video Showing Children in a Cage is NOT RELATED to the Israel-Hamas War
- Videofabrication as if the CNN Camera Crew Staged Bombing
- Ukraine’s Alleged Sale of Weapons to Hamas is Without Evidence – Russian Propaganda about the Black Market for Weapons
- What Does the Video of the Attack on the Woman with a Hijab Actually Depict?
- A Fabricated Quote Under the Name of Israeli Defense Minister Circulating in Kremlin Media and Social Networks
- Disinformation as if Hamas Warned Israeli Festival Attendees Before the Attack
- Has Israel Passed a Law to Impose Taxes on Christian Churches?
- The Video Attributed to the Israel-Hamas War Actually Depicts a Child Surviving an Earthquake in Syria
- Can Russian be Heard in the Video of the Hamas Attack that Was Disseminated on Facebook?
About the Source:
Facebook user Dato Nacvlishvili (Faika) is a supporter of the pro-Kremlin Conservative Movement party and one of the administrators of the group “Archive of the Enemies of the Country.” The false information spread by the user has been debunked by “Myth Detector” in the past as well (1, 2, 3).
The article has been written in the framework of Facebook’s fact-checking program. You can read more about the restrictions that Facebook may impose based on this article via this link. You can find information about appealing or editing our assessment via this link.
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