On November 14, an anonymous Facebook account named “Tsikara Kolkhi,” known for frequently spreading false information, along with another account, posted a photo purportedly showing Swedish activists. The image includes a fabricated quote attributed to the activists: “We came from Sweden to end the Georgian Dream rule in Georgia! The government will be overthrown.” The person sharing the image refers to those depicted as “Zelensky’s hired sonderkommandos” and adds, “By January, they will lose their face! This is just the beginning!” The photo also displays the name of the TikTok account “Citizen000007.”
The individuals in the circulated photo are not Swedish activists. In reality, they are American skateboarders and members of the 10c41 group. Accordingly, the quote attributed to Swedish activists is also fabricated. The source of this fake quote is a TikTok account created after the elections, which systematically spreads false statements, attributing them to foreign politicians and activists.
The people in the photo are members of the American skateboarding group 10c41, known for promoting skate culture. The individuals shown in the photo can be identified through posts on the group’s various social network accounts (1, 2). A closer look at the individuals reveals that they have similar hairstyles, tattoos, and piercings.
An identical photo to the one being circulated, featuring members of the 10c41 group, was posted by the group on platform X on January 2, 2024.
There is limited information about 10c41 available in open sources. However, based on their social media activity, it is evident that they produce and sell their own skateboards. No information can be found about their links with Sweden or involvement in activist activities.
What do we know about the TikTok account Citizen000007?
The false information using photos of American skateboarders and fabricated quotes has been spread by the TikTok account “Citizen000007.” The account published its first video on October 28, 2024. It consists solely of a photo with the caption: “Worse than a rebellion is what causes the rebellion.” After the release of the first video, the account was distinguished for supporting post-election protests (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). After November 4, the account posted several fake quotes, including those attributed to Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Greta Thunberg. The invented quotes were in support of anti-government sentiments and the ongoing protests.
Since November 11, however, the TikTok account has started posting videos of different content. In particular, videos posted are aimed at discrediting European activists and politicians. “Citizen000007” has posted photos purportedly featuring Ukrainian neo-Nazis, anti-Putinists, Belgian, LGBT, or French activists, as well as European Parliament members. These photos are accompanied by fabricated anti-government quotes, falsely attributed to the European nationals depicted.
The account has posted several videos about Georgian politicians. The most videos, five in total, focus on Giorgi Gakharia (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). The account also shared a fake quote attributed to Gakharia about European youth. There is one video each about Salome Zurabishvili and Zura Japaridze. Japaridze’s photo was digitally altered to appear as if he is with Donald Trump, and the two have drawn up a “specific plan for overthrowing the government.” As for Salome Zurabishvili, “Citizen000007” shared an information card from the Mtavari TV channel, which included the president’s real quote regarding diplomats.
The video published by the account, which allegedly shows a Swedish parliamentarian and includes an anti-government quote, has already been fact-checked by Myth Detector.
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