On March 13-14, the Russian propaganda media (1, 2, 3), including Комсомольская Правда, as well as Telegram channels (1, 2, 3), Georgian-language Facebook accounts, and Russian social networks published a quote of the Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, Anatoliy Barhylevych, in which he allegedly says that people with disabilities of all groups, who can strap a grenade to their body and jump into a foxhole, are suitable for service in the army. The quote was published using the logo of the Ukrainian news agency UNIAN.
The quote attributed to Anatoliy Barhylevych is fabricated and was not published by UNIAN either. No such quote of Barhylevych can be found on the official page of UNIAN or its social media platforms.
No similar quote can be found on the official platforms of UNIAN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
The quote attributed to Barhylevych was verified by the Center for Combating Disinformation of Ukraine. The organization contacted UNIAN. The agency confirmed that the quote, which was circulated on their behalf, is fabricated.
While disseminating the mentioned quote, the Russian media relies on Telegram channels. For example, the material of ZOV ХЕРСОН notes that the information is taken from the Telegram channel Zanoza. The description of the mentioned channel states that the information spread by them is sarcastic.
A quote of similar content by Anatoliy Barhylevych cannot be found in any other reputable media either.
On February 9, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, replaced the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Major General Anatoliy Barhylevych took the position instead of Lieutenant General Serhiy Shaptala. Zelensky stated this in a video address.
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